
Occasional light verse, mostly political. If you're looking for a certain cold medicine, try here. But we can put you to sleep cheaper.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

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The cover of USA Today (May 25) and the wire services are filled with pictures of centrist heroes John McCain and Joeseph Lieberman. Funny how the two with presidential ambitions are the only ones of the Filibuster Fourteen to get their faces associated with the deal....

There they are in the paper again,
The feral grimace of John McCain
And the leprechaun grin
Of Lieberman.

Fourteen senators blocked the bluster
Surrounding judicial filibuster.
Fourteen votes caused the plot to thicken
And put an end to this game of chicken.
Fourteen faces showed joy and pain,
But in the spotlight just two remain:
The feral grimace of John McCain
And the leprechaun grin
Of Lieberman.

So many wrongs for a knight to redress!
So many piles of fresh, hot press!
So many chances for showing the artisanship
In rising above all the other guys' partisanship!
'Til 2008, if we stand the strain,
We'll hear their plain speaking in endless refrain
And the papers will show us, until we're insane,
And their images rattle around in our brain,
The feral grimace of John McCain
And the leprechaun grin
Of Lieberman.


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