Occasional light verse, mostly political. If you're looking for a certain cold medicine, try here. But we can put you to sleep cheaper.
The Passionate Center
De Rerum Natura
The Grocer's Daughter
Suzie's Studio
Something like political humor is to be found in all these places -- or simply politics, or simply humor
For some sharp and stimulating political commentary, see my good friend Lee's blog The Passionate Center
The Austin Lounge Lizards
Obliviously On He Sails by Calvin Trillin, the Deadline Poet of The Nation
The Almost Perfect State by Don Marquis
The Style Invitational, a fantastic weekly humor contest in The Washington Post, and its fanatical band of regulars.
Molly Ivins, the columnist who should be President
Below the Beltway a weekly column by Gene Weingarten of the Washington Post
Colin McEnroe a weekly columnist for the Hartford (CT) Courant
David Jaggard's Quorum of One
Mild Subversion: transatlantic political verse from Robert Hanrott
Catch up with the outrages you might have missed at Orwell's Grave.
The guy who is going to get sued just before I do.
"These ... surpass Calvin Trillin's weekly efforts." --An Anonymous Source in the State Department
"It's ... verse." --The Passionate Center
posted by nightquill | 2:07 AM | 0 comments